Learning All the Things
Wicked Athletica is PRETTY Much the Best Thing Ever
Crossfit, Derby, Real Life, Workout

For the non-roller derbiers out there, Wicked Skatewear is one of the top derby suppliers in the world. Roller Derby is most dominant in the USA, and “Wicked” as most skaters affectionately refer to “Wicked Skatewear”, along with Five Stride Skate Shop and Bruised Boutique, are pretty much the staple vendors for all things derby.

Now, why am I talking about “Wicked Skatewear” and “Wicked Athletica“? Are they related? Unrelated? Help? (Have I confused you yet?)


Last week I was diligently prowling the internet and I noticed that Wicked Skatewear announced their new offshoot, Wicked Athletica, a brand of athletic wear geared towards Crossfit athletes!


Derby skaters. Who Crossfit. HELLO!!

I basically had the ultimate fangirl freakout on Facebook, and ended up emailing the owner of Wicked (the entire brand) about my dorkiness, to avoid further (public) internet humiliation. Luckily, she shared my enthusiasm and we geeked out together about derbyxcrossfit, and she ended up offering to send me a Wicked Athletica care package!!!111ONE11!!1!!!

Well, my care package arrived today and I thought you all might enjoy experiencing it with me, since I have to go to crossfit tonight… haha. Here goes!

The Package:


Opening the Envelope:




Needless to say, I’ll be swapping out the shirt I was *going* to wear to Crossfit tonight, and I’ll be going as such:


(Don’t ask how I somehow knew that I needed to wear the neon green tights today, it must have been fate!)

Thank you SO much B-Train and Wicked Athletica! I can’t wait to see what you all come out with next.


Feel free to comment here on my blog, or find me on Twitter @DokiDara.

By Dara Monasch

2 comments on “Wicked Athletica is PRETTY Much the Best Thing Ever”


I was wondering if you ever saw it! I posted a quick link when I first wrote it on my facebook but I didn’t want to be all like OMG B TRAIN LOOK AT THIS BLOG POST I WROTE!!! hahaha.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut thank YOU for nerding out with ME! I wear the bananas out of that shirt and anytime you need a Jerz model, you just let me know. 😉 Our box manager is a photographer so I can totally rope him into it I’m sure. 😀

I love that you guys are doing the Intuit contest! Best of luck and you know I’ll share all your promo stuff when I see it.


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